Building an Accessible Website: Understanding the POUR Principles

shreya shubhangi
4 min readJul 31, 2023


“ POUR “ Accessibility Principles

Did you know that approximately 15% of the world’s population is affected by some form of disability? Despite this significant number, the topic of accessibility remains largely overlooked in the design and development of digital products. The world seems to cater predominantly to individuals without disabilities, leaving many with limited access to essential services and information.

Accessibility, or “a11y” as it’s often shortened, has been around for a long time. Many countries, including the United States, have passed laws to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal rights. In places like Canada and Japan, there’s a strong focus on creating websites and apps that are accessible to everyone, promoting an inclusive environment where all individuals can enjoy equal rights.

When it comes to building an accessible website, there are four fundamental principles called “POUR” that should be at the forefront of the design process:

P- Perceivable:

To make information accessible to all users, it is crucial to provide multiple ways to convey important content. This includes:

  • Text alternatives: Ensure that non-text content, such as images, has descriptive alt text. This allows screen readers and other assistive technologies to convert visuals into other forms, such as braille, large print, speech, or simpler language.
  • Alternatives for time-based media: Incorporate transcripts, captions, audio descriptions, and sign language for multimedia content. This way, individuals with hearing or visual impairments won’t miss out on essential information.
  • Adaptability: Design content in a way that allows it to be presented in different ways without losing its structure and information. Example : you can use SP ( Scale independent pixels in androids) to do the same.
Even if the image is resized no information is lost

Color should not be the only way to present your information. Make sure you are conveying the information via text or symbols.

O- Operable:

To enhance usability for individuals with diverse abilities, consider the following aspects:

  • Keyboard accessibility: Ensure that all functionality is available through keyboard navigation, not solely dependent on mouse interactions. This extends to other input devices as well, catering to users who may face physical limitations or challenges in using a traditional mouse.

There is a special term called “Keyboard trap” where users can no longer move out of the component they just moved focus to. For example, when activating a dialog box, the focus may remain on the initial content that is not visible anymore, or close button for the dialog box may not be reachable via keyboard. In such cases, the user is “trapped.”

Source : edX
  • Navigation aids: Implement features that help users find content easily and understand their current location within the website or app.

U- Understandable:

Simplicity and clarity are essential in making content accessible to everyone:

  • Simple language: Present content in an easy-to-understand manner, avoiding jargon or complex sentence structures.
  • Error rectification: Offer clear instructions and feedback to assist users in avoiding mistakes and correcting errors.
  • Consistency: Ensure that web pages appear and operate consistently to create a seamless user experience.

R- Robust:

Future-proof your website by ensuring compatibility with various user agents and assistive technologies:

  • WAI-ARIA: Incorporate Web Accessibility Initiative — Accessible Rich Internet Applications attributes into your code. WAI-ARIA helps modify incorrect markup and bridges gaps in HTML to create a more accessible experience for users relying on assistive technology (AT).

For those aspiring to obtain IAAP certification (International Association of Accessibility Professionals), consider this summary of the “POUR” accessibility principles as a valuable guide. Whether you are preparing for certification or simply building an accessible website, prioritizing these principles is crucial to provide equal access and opportunities for all users.

In conclusion, accessibility is not merely a legal or moral obligation; it is a fundamental aspect of creating an inclusive digital world. By designing websites and applications with the POUR principles in mind, we can break down barriers and ensure that everyone can access and enjoy the benefits of the digital landscape, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Together, let’s make the internet a place where everyone can thrive and contribute, leaving no one behind.

